Why have e-learning apps become an instant hit?

2 min readMar 10, 2022


There are various reasons why e-learning apps became an instant hit. Some of them are discussed below:

1. Smartphones are common

Almost more than 50 percent of the world’s population do own a smartphone for themselves. E-learning apps can be easily installed in one and thus they can easily access various learning materials provided through them.

Moreover, the cost of smartphones and the internet is much cheaper compared to the beginning times of both. So it has reached even to the grass root levels. Even not many financially sound students get access to quality education with these e-learning apps.

2. Ease of use

Various e-learning apps available in the market right now are developed by the companies after conducting a thorough study of the required things.

The concepts are presented in visually attractive and easy-to-understand ways. So the students can grasp the topics much more easily. Also, it is made sure that the apps are much user-friendly.

3. Higher Efficiency

Rather than following the traditional methods of learning, these e-learning apps do present the study concepts in much more attractive ways. They make use of videos, 3-D graphical depiction methods, etc. So it makes sure that even the tough and complex concepts can be conveyed in easily understandable terms. Thus, it makes the learning process more efficient.

4. Low costs

E-learning apps allow you to impart education to the students in a much cheaper way. The students can learn by sitting in the comforts of the home. They don’t need to travel to schools or do not need physical infrastructure to create an environment for learning like classrooms, or large buildings. Yet it doesn’t compromise on the quality of education they get through these e-learning mobile apps.

5. Suitable for part-time learning

Another added advantage of using e-learning apps by the students is that they can even learn whenever they have the time. At other times, they can even work if they intend to. Thus learning and working happen together in their lives.

The role of mobile apps is revolutionizing the future of e-learning is undeniable!

As we have seen in this blog, the major positive impacts of e-learning apps are in revolutionizing the educational sector. It has become an undeniable necessity if you are active in the educational sector.

At Zoondia, we have multiple years of experience in creating e-learning mobile apps with a pool of amazing talents! Do contact us if you need further clarifications….

You could also drop me a mail at navamy@zoondia.com

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Website: www.zoondia.com

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